
4 simple steps to shift from planning to doing

Four Simple Steps to Shift From Planning to Doing

You can quickly shift from planning to doing by following these four easy steps.   Philanthropy focuses a lot of time and brainpower on the how-to of strategic planning and very little on practical implementation. And yet, if not implemented effectively all your planning will waste time and resources. Change is hard work. So, while […]

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Philanthropy needs an overhaul.

A Year of Crisis Forced Foundations to Change Bad Practices

Long before the pandemic hit, it was clear philanthropy needed an overhaul. But the health and economic crisis, combined with a national racial reckoning, forced grant makers’ hands. Foundations largely rose to the challenge by speeding up their grant making, increasing flexibility, and reducing funding restrictions. But now it appears those changes may be short lived. In the most

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Four Lessons Motherhood and Having Twins Taught Me About Philanthropy

Four Lessons Motherhood and Having Twins Taught Me About Philanthropy

Just about every aspiring mom (and dad) has big plans and preconceived ideas about what pregnancy and parenthood will be like. You picture the way your life might change, you plan out a nursery, order a crib – it’s pretty straightforward stuff. Straightforward, that is, until you discover you’re having twins! Suddenly, all those plans

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8 Questions to Maintain Your New “Best Practices”

Don’t slide back to your old ways. If you’re like many funders, the changes you made in 2020 were swift and dramatic. You dropped tightly held practices like hot potatoes: loosening funding restrictions, eliminating burdensome policies, offering general operating support, collaborating with new partners, increasing grant payout, and dramatically expanding support for racial justice. As

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Does Your Philanthropy Suffer From A Scarcity Mindset?

Take this short quiz to find out. It’s philanthropy’s Achilles heel. Foundation leaders, donors, professional athletes, corporate executives—-all philanthropists—-want to be good caretakers of their charitable wealth. They want their assets and profits to grow, so there’s more wealth to give. They also want to reduce their philanthropic costs and save money, so there’s more

Does Your Philanthropy Suffer From A Scarcity Mindset? Read More »

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