Rapid Strategy Development & Implementation

You want to use your philanthropy to change the world.
But how do you realize your vision when things keep changing?

To navigate and lead during turbulent times, you need a flexible strategy. Your strategy defines what you want to accomplish and how you want to accomplish it. Yet too often, philanthropists lack clarity on both.

As a leader, you may be lacking critical clarity if you:

Whether you’re developing your strategy for the first time, looking to refresh an existing one, undertaking a dramatic shift, or need to rapidly implement your strategy, renowned global philanthropy advisor Kris Putnam-Walkerly can help. And she can do it quickly and by working with your team remotely!

"As my trusted advisor, Kris Putnam-Walkerly helped our foundation navigate an organizational transformation to become more strategic and develop a clear plan to implement our new strategy. She offers funders a fresh perspective and practical tips to improve their giving."
Dr. Laura Gerald
President, Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

How Kris Can Help You

Sentient Strategy

Sentient Strategy® is a revolutionary approach to formulate strategy quickly, to be used immediately for as long as conditions warrant, and then to make changes rapidly as conditions change.  It builds a simple and flexible strategic approach that creates a road map for change and holds people accountable for rapid implementation.

If this crisis had taught us anything, it’s the futility of spending one year to create a three-year strategic plan. Strategy must be easily adaptable to achieve positive social change in a world where disruption and volatility are the status quo. Now more than ever, philanthropists must be aware of the changing environment in which they operate, and the implications of their actions on others. The Sentient approach helps you do that. You’ll achieve faster results and have a flexible template for adjusting course regularly.  

With the right preparation and discipline, Sentient Strategy can be developed in person or remotely within a week!  Kris can then be available to offer your team implementation advice and guidance for a period of 30, 60 or 90 days, depending upon your needs

In a one-day Sentient Strategy workshop you will:

Kris Putnam-Walkerly is one of only a dozen consultants globally who have been certified by Alan Weiss to deliver Sentient Strategy® .

Strategy Implementation

A well-developed strategy is only useful if it’s implemented! To ensure success, Kris will help you more effectively execute your strategy toward your desired future:

Design and Launch of Strategic Initiatives

Kris’s philanthropic advising services can also guide you as you develop your next strategic funding initiative. She can expertly coach you and your team to:

Strategy Tune-Up

For funders that are implementing their strategy or funding initiative, an annual strategy tune-up can keep your strategy fresh and on track. Kris can help you to quickly:

VIP Strategy & Coaching Day

Get unstuck and on track with a day focused solely on you and your philanthropy. The VIP Strategy & Coaching Day is an exclusive event where we work together one-on-one on what is most important for you and your philanthropy — whether you are just getting started or a seasoned philanthropist. The VIP Day is personalized to you and your work.

Learn more about strategic philanthropy services today!

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