Case Studies

Effective, confident grantmaking can be complicated work. Read these examples of how Putnam brought focus and simplicity to some very large-scale projects, and boosted their long-term effectiveness as well.

Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

As a new CEO of a well-established foundation, you may find it is time to update the strategy and vision into the modern context of rapid change and growing inequities, all while having to continue the business of grantmaking at the same time. A trusted advisor can help.

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Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy

Develop a comprehensive online toolkit for funders that includes a framing document, a series of case studies high- lighting a variety of successful foundation investments, and videos that bring the work to life. Then create a national social media push to generate interest.

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The Annie E. Casey Foundation

Instead of waiting years until the work is done, create a case study, produce videos, and build buzz early in the game to show the work in process, highlight the contributions of partners, and showcase the lessons you’re learning along the way.

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The Cleveland Foundation

Design new program, including its Theory of Change. Provide implementation guidance and on-the-ground support. Dive deep into results and lessons learned to inform decisions about the initiative’s future.

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