
Is Strategic Friction Slowing You Down?

Is Strategic Friction Slowing You Down?

Is Strategic Friction Slowing You Down? To increase your strategic momentum, you need to eliminate strategic friction. There’s nothing like a global catastrophe to jolt philanthropy into increasing its speed. Donors, foundations, and corporations quickly responded to the pandemic by getting money out the door faster, reducing or eliminating application and reporting processes, removing funding

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Strategy Development Shouldn't Frighten Your Grantees

How to Really Frighten Your Grantees

Spine-chilling fear can be invoked in the hearts and minds of grantees when they hear their funder say, “We need to start our strategic planning.” Strategy development is important. It helps philanthropists clarify what they want to accomplish and offers a roadmap. It should lead to change. And strategies themselves should change rapidly, as conditions

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4 Ways to Become the Kind of Leader Philanthropy Needs

Are you the kind of leader philanthropy needs right now? We often think of a good leader as someone who goes first. A person who wouldn’t ask her team to do anything she wouldn’t do. But what happens when the one out in front doesn’t have the crucial information to make good decisions? What if that information

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