Kris Putnam-Walkerly

Council on Foundations: Smaller But Determined Crowd

This blog was originally posted May 1, 2009 on the Tactical Philanthropy Blog From May 2 – May 7, the Tactical Philanthropy Blog Team will be covering the Council on Foundations conference from Atlanta. The individual blog team members represent a range of opinions and have been given no editorial directions. The opinions expressed in […]

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Challenges Grantmakers Face in This Economy

This blog first appeared on and was written for Nonprofit Conversation. No one is immune to the challenges of doing more with less in this economy. From my vantage point as a philanthropy consultant, I hope this blog post helps nonprofits understand how the economy is impacting foundations, and provides suggestions for what grantmakers are

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5 Tips for a Successful Foundation-Consultant Relationship

Simply choosing to hire a consultant isn’t enough to guarantee a successful engagement. You need to clearly communicate your goals at the outset, and take the time to provide feedback on whether those goals were met upon project completion. Here are few guidelines to help you succeed with consultants: 1. Understand All Your Goals Before

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How to Involve Young People in Philanthropy

There are many ways to engage young people in philanthropy. By cultivating an early interest in “giving back”, we have the power to inspire the next generation to become active, informed and generous members of society. The bottom line? It’s never too early to start – and never too late to make a real impact

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Hello, World!

Hello everyone! I am officially launching into the world of blogging.  While writing a recent e-newsletter, Disaster Preparedness: Are You Ready for the Unexpected, I realized that I would much rather have written it as a blog. Sending out an e-newsletter is a great way to share information and ideas — but the newsletter goes

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