

The ‘I Have No More Grant Budget’ Playbook

Four Almost-Free Things You Can Do To Help Nonprofits After You’ve Spent Your Grant Budget If you are like most of my philanthropic clients, when COVID-19 hit, you jumped into action. You heroically provided additional funding to grantees, created or joined local crisis response funds to coordinate resources, extended grant deadlines, eliminated funding restrictions, and […]

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Five Ways Philanthropists Can Turn Adversity into Opportunity

Nobody ever chooses the hard road, but it has a way of finding us. And when it does, sometimes the only choice we have is in how we respond. Interestingly, we never know exactly what we’re capable of until we’re tested. So, especially for philanthropists and other change-makers, during this new world of head-spinning challenges,

Five Ways Philanthropists Can Turn Adversity into Opportunity Read More »

Amid Today’s Deep Social Anxiety, Philanthropists Must Recognize Their Blind Spots

In philanthropy circles, people very rarely, if ever, call each other out for being delusional. And that’s exactly why I wrote my book Delusional Altruism: Why Philanthropists Fail To Achieve Change and What They Can Do To Transform Giving.  Briefly, the book is about human behaviors we’re not even aware of that get in the way

Amid Today’s Deep Social Anxiety, Philanthropists Must Recognize Their Blind Spots Read More »

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