
Your Strategic Plan is About to Fail

Strategy most often fails in implementation. With all the effort that went into developing your new strategy and writing your strategic plan, the hardest part is making the darn think work! Many donors, foundations and corporate giving programs create strategic plans to clarify their philanthropic goals and guide funding decisions. Too often, however, their new […]

Your Strategic Plan is About to Fail Read More »

8 Mistakes To Avoid When Starting Out In Philanthropy

How new foundation trustees can have lasting and effective success. Whether you are launching a new foundation, refreshing your giving strategy, or are a new foundation board member, you want your philanthropy to change the world. Yet you feel unsure how to tackle complex social problems and wonder if you have what it takes to

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Spread The Spirit Of Meaningful Giving This Holiday Season

Talk about giving with your family to instill philanthropic traditions. The holidays tend to ignite the spirit of giving in all of us. As your family gathers to celebrate, the dining room table is a great place to start the discussion of philanthropy. As you give thanks, give back. As you fill your bellies, think

Spread The Spirit Of Meaningful Giving This Holiday Season Read More »

Are You Driving Your Staff (and Grantees) to Drink?

Get rid of vague terms and confusing philanthropy jargon forever. In my line of work, I pick up a lot of interesting stories from the front lines of the foundation world. Some are inspiring, some heart-wrenching, and others downright funny. This one made me want to both laugh and cry simultaneously. A foundation leader told

Are You Driving Your Staff (and Grantees) to Drink? Read More »

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