
Harnessing Joy as a Catalyst for Philanthropic Change

Three simple questions to begin a joyful process to amplify your impact. Over the last 10 months, the world has been watching and experiencing how systemic racism and injustice magnifies personal hardship and undermines recovery. At the same time, more and more people wonder how they can change the relentless reality of inequities and oppression,

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Top Three Behaviors To Bounce Forward From Crises

How to effectively navigate change and shockproof your organization. We’ve entered a new era for civil society. Nothing is as it was, and no two funders or nonprofit situations are the same. While some philanthropic and nonprofit organizations are thriving and innovating, others are beleaguered, shuttering programs, and furloughing staff. But regardless of your circumstances,

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Five Potential Pitfalls for Next-Gen Philanthropists

Five Potential Pitfalls for Next-Gen Philanthropists   Some of the most common traps advisors can help younger clients avoid. No doubt as a wealth advisor, you know that over the next 25 years, nearly 45 million U.S. households will transfer over $68 trillion in assets to heirs and charity. And you realize that this wealth

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The ‘I Have No More Grant Budget’ Playbook

Four Almost-Free Things You Can Do To Help Nonprofits After You’ve Spent Your Grant Budget If you are like most of my philanthropic clients, when COVID-19 hit, you jumped into action. You heroically provided additional funding to grantees, created or joined local crisis response funds to coordinate resources, extended grant deadlines, eliminated funding restrictions, and

The ‘I Have No More Grant Budget’ Playbook Read More »

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