Past Speaking Engagements

"Her presentations are a compelling combination of solid best-practice information coupled with real-world examples from her work with numerous foundations."
Ret Boney
Executive Director, North Carolina Network of Grantmakers

List of Past Speaking Engagements




Case Western Reserve University Nonprofit Management and Leadership Series - Virtual Book Launch Party

Description: Kris will give a keynote on Transformational Giving, to help funders and nonprofits identify common mistakes and “delusional beliefs” that hold you back; increase your impact and agility; stop feeling overwhelmed; and create a plan you can count on in a constantly changing world. The first 50 participants who register and attend will receive a free copy of Delusional Altruism.




Transformational Giving: How To Banish Delusional Altruism and Change the World - De Dikke Blawe

Description: As a funder, you want to create dramatic impact with your grantmaking. But you can’t do that by clinging to misguided beliefs and delusional practices, or by feeling overwhelmed. Instead, achieve dramatic impact by transforming how you give — for good. Participants will learn:

    • Why the urge to save money is gutting your impact
    • The top mistakes funders make — and what to do instead
    • How to increase your agility and speed
    • 3 questions every funder should be asking (the last one will surprise you)
    • How to create a plan you can count on and navigate into the unknown with confidence




GivingData Virtual User Group 2020

Transformational Giving: How To Banish Delusional Altruism and Change the World – Keynote Description: As a funder, you want to create a dramatic impact with your grantmaking. But you can’t do that by clinging to misguided beliefs and delusional practices, or by feeling overwhelmed. Agile, flexible, and resilient systems in philanthropy have moved from aspirational goals to organizational imperatives.  Drawing from examples in her new book, Delusional Altruism, Kris Putnam-Walkerly lays out ways grants managers and foundation leaders can drive and accelerate transformational grantmaking.

Agile Grantmaking Breakout Description: We all know being agile is important. But what does “agility” really mean and how do you do it?  In this interactive session you’ll have the opportunity to share your challenges, uncover the beliefs and practices that are inadvertently preventing agility at your foundation, and learn practical ways you can increase your grantmaking agility.




Current State of Philanthropy - American Endowment Foundation Annual Summit

Description: Kris will be delivering a keynote on the “Current State of Philanthropy” to the largest independent sponsor of donor-advised funds in the U.S. All participants to this invitation-only event will receive a copy of her new book, Delusional Altruism.




SunTrust and McGuireWoods Private Foundation Symposium - Innovative Philanthropy in Challenging Times

Description: You’re invited to a series of conversations with foundation leaders addressing how
foundations have been affected by and are responding to the health, economic, and racial justice crises facing the country. We will also present innovative strategies to assist grant-making organizations operate more effectively in a rapidly changing landscape.

Kris will discuss the ways funders have rapidly responded to COVID-19 by increasing their speed and adapting the grantmaking process, and practical steps they can take to maintain these new “best practices” into the future.  The first 50 participants to sign up receive a free copy of Delusional Altruism.




Meet the Experts Virtual Event - Exponent Philanthropy

Description: Join Kris at “Table 14” to learn how to create a plan you can count on in a constantly changing world, the top three mistakes most funders make (and how to avoid them), and how to maintain the new best practices you adopted while responding to COVID-19.




Evolving How We Meet Challenges Through Collective Trust-Based Funding

Description: When COVID-19 struck, all eyes turned to philanthropy for support. Nonprofits shuttered annual fundraisers and events while also brainstorming how they would support their mission and community in new ways.

Funders, meanwhile, reassessed their yearly goals and began to quickly carve out space for rapid response emergency funding, explore where they should relax reporting policies, and coordinated with other funders and the philanthropic community at large to see where collective action could have the most impact. With the killing of George Floyd, this same process was reignited – this time with an even greater emphasis on policy advocates, racial equity, and social reform. This panel will explore how funders have prioritized rapid response grantmaking and leveraged trust in a time when philanthropy will rely heavily on trust to bring a semblance of certainty to an uncertain world.

List of panelists:

Sponsored by Neon One.




How Delusional Altruism Thwarts Philanthropic Impact

Description: Private webinar for wealth advisors.




Philanthropy and Its Role in the Wake of COVID-19​

Description: Opal is proud to launch our Virtual Family Office Planning & Structure Forum, scheduled to take place on July 1, 2020. Through this virtual conference, speakers and attendees will explore the methods of structuring a family office with consideration of modern day planning for the next generation. The conference will bring together industry experts and family offices who are actively involved in building family office and succession planning structures.

Sponsored by Opal Group.




Giving Resiliently Through The COVID-19 Pandemic

Description: In this webinar, philanthropists will learn how to:

  • Prevent fear and overwhelm from holding you back
  • Increase your philanthropic speed and agility
  • Stay focused on your top priorities
  • Increase your effectiveness and impact during the crisis
  • Maintain momentum AFTER the crisis

This webinar is for all types of philanthropists – individual donors, foundations, corporate giving programs, giving circles, family offices, and donor-advised fund holders – who are looking for ways not only to navigate through this crisis, but increase their philanthropic effectiveness.

Sponsored by iWave.




How to Increase Your Nonprofit Leadership and Effectiveness During The Crisis

Description: In this webinar nonprofit leaders will learn how to:

  • Prevent fear and overwhelm from holding you back
  • Increase your speed and agility
  • Stay focused on your top priorities
  • Increase your effectiveness and impact during the crisis
  • Maintain momentum AFTER the crisis

Sponsored by iWave.




Philanthropy and the Impact of COVID-19

Description: Everything has changed. Leading consultants and philanthropists come together to discuss the role of individuals, foundations and governments in the coming era and the kinds of partnerships we will need to forge on the road ahead.




Delusional Altruism: How Funders Get In Their Own Way and What Consultants Can Do To Help Them

Description: Did you know that most philanthropists want to change the world, but they get in their own way? Kris Putnam-Walkerly, global philanthropy advisor and author of Delusional Altruism: Why Philanthropists Fail To Achieve Change And What They Can Do To Transform Giving (Wiley, March 2020), will share common delusional thoughts and practices that drastically hinder philanthropists from achieving transformational social change. She will also explain how consultants can inadvertently contribute to this delusional thinking, and what they can do to help funders transform their giving. Sponsored by National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers.




7 Ways to Increase Your Philanthropic Impact During COVID-19

Description: In a crisis that touches every funder’s mission, strategy, geography and focus area, many philanthropists are rapidly adapting, transforming how they give, and providing immediate relief. Co-Sponsored by National Center for Family Philanthropy, Exponent Philanthropy, and Putnam Consulting Group.




Delusional Altruism: Insights by Kris Putnam-Walkerly

Description: In her latest book, Delusional Altruism: Why Philanthropists Fail To Achieve Change and What They Can Do To Transform Giving, philanthropy advisor Kris Putnam-Walkerly provides real-world advice and practical guidance to help philanthropists avoid common delusional thoughts and practices that drastically hinder them from achieving transformational social change. In addition to helping you uncover self-limiting fallacies and how they may be manifesting in your giving efforts, Putnam-Walkerly shares proven strategies to avoid and overcome these pitfalls to realize your goal for impactful, sustainable change. Join Putnam-Walkerly for a special webinar where she’ll answer your questions about effective giving. Hosted by Giving Compass.




Family Office Newport Conference 2019
Newport, RI

Philanthropy and Its Role in the Family Office
Description: Discussing philanthropy with your clients is a vital part of your wealth management services. It allows you to position yourself or your firm as a go-to expert on charitable planning and philanthropic giving, while simultaneously deepening client relationships across multi-generational families.



Southern California Grantmakers
Los Angeles, CA

Starting a Consulting Business




Points of Light Thought Leadership Meeting
Kennebunkport, MA

Igniting Civic Culture: The Role of Private Philanthropy in Healing our Democracy
Description: Private philanthropy has a long history of funding initiatives that change communities. Whether it be through the arts, community organizing, educational access, or voting drives, private funders are often able to make significant, long-term investments on local and global scales. What role does private philanthropy have in healing our democracy, if any?




Arizona Grantmakers Forum Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ

Description: Every foundation likes to consider itself strategic. But what does “strategic grantmaking” really mean, and is it always the best course of action? This session will define responsive and strategic grantmaking, the pros and cons of each, when each is most appropriate, four ways foundations can combine strategic and responsive approaches, five mistakes to avoid, and next steps you can take right now.




Southeastern Council on Foundations’ Annual Conference
Trustees-Only Luncheon, Orlando, FL

Description: Every year, it seems that our world is changing more and more rapidly. Social, economic and technological changes bring both bad and good consequences. They can lead to greater human needs, and more creative ways of meeting them. They can foster both broader disconnects in communities and new bridges for overcoming them. Changes in public funding patterns provide both challenge and opportunity for private funders. How will the roles of foundations, and the trustees who guide them, need to adapt to make the most of change? And what aspects of trusteeship should remain stalwart no matter what? Global philanthropy advisor Kris Putnam-Walkerly will lead a spirited and provocative conversation about the roles of foundation trustees in the face of change. You’ll learn:
  • How trustees often fall prey to “delusional altruism” in their foundation leadership
  • How you can capitalize on change to ensure your giving moves from transactional to transformational
  • How trustees can use change as a catalyst for collaboration and creativity
You will also hear the thoughts of veteran trustees and rising stars, and discuss your own ideas with trustee peers in this trustees-only confidential gathering. You’ll leave with new ideas that you can apply immediately in your leadership role.







The Michael Chatman Giving Show




National Forum on Family Philanthropy

Description: In this session, participants will hear what foundations are doing broadly to incorporate equity internally, as well as ways specific family foundations are making equity a part of their day-to-day operations. We’ll also discuss how equity can help family foundations define and enhance their efforts at transparency. Kris Putnam-Walkerly, global philanthropy advisor, will present findings from her recent field scan, “The Road to Achieving Equity.” She will be joined by representatives from NCFP foundations who will share how their institutions are addressing issues of equity in ways that reflect family vision, encourage staff, better support grantees and partners, enhance transparency and achieve their missions. Participants will have the opportunity for small group discussions and a chance to ask deeper questions of each panelist, as they create their own plan for next steps to address equity within your own foundation.




2017 CONNECT Conference, Exponent Philanthropy
Denver, CO

As funders, our greatest insights, ideas, and inspiration often come when we take time to get away from the comfort of our offices, engage people in our community, listen, and learn. Find out how to acquire and engage deep knowledge so you can pinpoint where your dollars, connections, and influence can make catalytic impact.

  • Discover how developing knowledge and insight into your community or chosen field is essential to figuring out how to use your resources in the most powerful ways.
  • Learn practical techniques to scan the landscape and develop insight into priority needs and leverage points for change.
  • Find out how to overcome barriers to scanning, including lack of time and fear of being more public as a funder.




Philanthropy West Virginia Annual Conference

Description: This provocative keynote will explore how foundations can fall prey to “delusional altruism” – unintentionally getting in the way of their own impact and that of grantees – and how simple changes in common processes can instead create practices that are more productive and relevant for all. You’ll learn how to recognize ten manifestations of delusional altruism and understand how they hamper progress toward your mission. And, you’ll leave with smart ways to avoid pitfalls, increase your impact, improve grantee relationships, and enhance your legacy as a valued community partner.




National Center for Family Philanthropy webinar

Description: Part three of a three-part webinar series on how family foundations are embracing equity.




Iowa Council of Foundations Connect Conference
Newton, IA

Description: As community foundations and affiliate funds, our greatest insights, ideas, and inspiration often come when we take time to get away from the comfort of our offices, engage people in our community, listen, and learn. Find out how to acquire and engage deep knowledge so you can pinpoint where your dollars, connections, and influence can make catalytic impact. In this keynote you will:
  • Discover how developing knowledge and insight into your community or chosen field is essential to figuring out how to use your resources in the most powerful ways.
  • Learn practical techniques to scan the landscape and develop insight into priority needs and leverage points for change.
  • Find out how to overcome barriers to scanning, including lack of time and fear of being more public as a funder.
Description: This provocative session will explore how community foundations can fall prey to “delusional altruism” – unintentionally getting in the way of their own impact and that of grantees – and how simple changes in common processes can instead create practices that are more productive and relevant for all. You’ll learn how to recognize ten manifestations of delusional altruism and understand how they hamper progress toward your mission. And, you’ll leave with smart ways to avoid pitfalls, increase your impact, improve grantee relationships, and enhance your legacy as a valued community partner.




Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers
Baltimore, MD

Description: The idea of incorporating equity in philanthropy is gaining traction in the field, but the “how” of embracing equity can prove elusive – especially when foundations turn that equity lens inward. What does equity “look like” inside a foundation? Where is the best place to start? How do foundations bring all of their staff on board with an equity agenda – especially if an explicit focus on equity is something new and different? What are the biggest challenges in incorporating equity? What are examples of equitable practices that have been successfully implemented? In this session, you’ll hear what foundations are doing broadly to incorporate equity internally, as well as ways ABAG funders are making equity a part of their day-to-day operations. Then, you’ll have the opportunity for small group discussions and a chance to ask deeper questions of each panelist, as you create your own plan for next steps to address equity within your own foundation.

Kris Putnam-Walkerly, global philanthropy advisor, will present findings from her recent field scan, “The Road to Achieving Equity,” conducted on behalf of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She will be joined by Nonet T. Sykes, Director, Race Equity and Inclusion, the Annie E. Casey Foundation; and Kevin Griffin Moreno, Interim Director of Community Investment, Baltimore Community Foundation, who will share how their institutions are making operational changes in order to incorporate equity in ways that encourage staff, better support grantees and partners, and achieve their missions. 




Forum of Regional Association of Grantmakers Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

Description: Before we begin to support our members work in racial equity, diversity and inclusion, we must first do the work in our own organizations and with ourselves. Join this workshop to explore the ways and tools used by members of the Forum to do the work at home before they are in community working. Kris Putnam-Walkerly will share findings of her recent her recent field scan, “The Road to Achieving Equity,” conducted on behalf of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She will be joined by panelists from the Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers, Association of Black Foundation Executives, and Grantmakers for Effective Organizations.

Description: Equity is a trending topic in philanthropy, but many foundations are struggling to understand exactly what it means and how to address it. How are foundations incorporating equity into their work? What practices must they embrace internally in order to become truly equitable externally? What hurdles are they encountering on their journeys toward equity, and how are they navigating through difficult conversations?

In this webinar, Kris Putnam-Walkerly will present findings of a recent field scan, The Road to Achieving Equity, and discuss key points revealed in her research about how foundations are incorporating equity into their internal operations.




Community Foundations of Florida 2017 Annual Meeting, Florida Philanthropic Network, Naples, FL

Description: This provocative keynote will explore how community foundations can fall prey to “delusional altruism” – unintentionally getting in the way of their own impact and that of grantees – and how simple changes in common processes can instead create practices that are more productive and relevant for all. You’ll learn how to recognize eight manifestations of delusional altruism and understand how they hamper progress toward your mission. And, you’ll leave with smart ways to avoid pitfalls, increase your impact, improve grantee relationships, and enhance your legacy as a valued community partner.




National Center for Family Philanthropy webinar

Description: Part one of a three-part webinar series on how family foundations are embracing equity.




Philanthropy New York
New York, NY

Description: The idea of incorporating equity in philanthropy is gaining traction in the field. The reasons why may be obvious – from longstanding commitments to helping those most marginalized to recent electoral outcomes. But the how of embracing equity can prove elusive – especially when foundations turn that equity lens inward. What does equity “look like” inside a foundation? Where is the best place to start? How do foundations bring all of their staff on board with an equity agenda – especially if an explicit focus on equity is something new and different? What are the biggest challenges in incorporating equity? What are examples of equitable practices that have been successfully implemented? In this session, you’ll hear what foundations are doing broadly to incorporate equity internally, as well as ways three specific funders are making equity a part of their day-to-day operations.

Kris Putnam-Walkerly, global philanthropy advisor, will present findings from her recent field scan, “The Road to Achieving Equity,” conducted on behalf of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She will be joined by Samantha Gilbert, Vice President of Talent and Human Resources, The Ford Foundation; William Cordery, Program Officer for Strong Local Economies, Surdna Foundation; and Edgar Villanueva, Vice President of Programs and Advocacy, The Schott Foundation. These foundation leaders will share how their institutions are making operational changes in order to incorporate equity in ways that encourage staff, better support grantees and partners, and achieve their missions. Participants will have the opportunity for small group discussions and a chance to ask deeper questions of each panelist, as they create their own plan for next steps to address equity within your own foundation.




Philanthropy Ohio Webinar

Description: The philanthropic community – like much of America – is increasingly talking about equity, and foundations are incorporating equity in their internal operations as well as their grantmaking. This edition of Let’s Talk Philanthropy explores highlights from The Road to Achieving Equity: Findings and Lessons from a Field Scan of Foundations That Are Embracing Equity, a report presenting key findings and practices gleaned from conversations with leaders of 15 foundations on the forefront in embracing equity.

Join Putnam Consulting Group President Kris Putnam-Walkerly, MSW, and president and CEO of Philanthropy Ohio, Suzanne Allen, Ph.D., as they discuss the findings of this groundbreaking effort.

By participating in this program you will:

  • Learn how a common language around equity can be key to your success; and
  • Gain insight into best practices you can use to focus on equity in your organization.




National Summit on Family Philanthropy, Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy, San Francisco, CA

Description: This provocative session will explore how family foundations may be unwittingly creating a culture of disrespect – and even damage – as a result of some common, seemingly harmless foundation practices. You’ll also learn about the problematic mindset of “delusional altruism” and how it can hamper progress toward your mission. You’ll leave with simple changes your foundation can make to avoid these pitfalls, increase your impact, and enhance your legacy as a valued community partner.




Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy Webinar

Description: In these demanding times, effective grantmaking is more important than ever. Join Kris Putnam-Walkerly, experienced philanthropy advisor and author of Confident Giving, to surface and break through the bad habits and well-intended follies that stand between our work and greater impact, including:

  • Moving away from scarcity-based approaches to foundation management
  • Cutting out unnecessary complexity and bureaucratic waste, and
  • Reforming processes that unintentionally disrespect our grantees




Colorado Association of Funders
Denver, CO

Description: During this workshop and panel discussion, Kris Putnam-Walkerly will share findings from her recent report “Findings and Lessons From a Field Scan of Foundations That Are Embracing Equity.” Ned Calonge, President and CEO of The Colorado Trust and Karen McNeil-Miller, President and CEO of The Colorado Health Foundation will share their foundations’ experiences incorporating an equity lens into their grantmaking and foundation operations.




National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers Webinar

Description: Equity is a trending topic in philanthropy, but many foundations are struggling to understand exactly what it means and how to address it. How are foundations incorporating equity into their work? What practices must they embrace internally in order to become truly equitable externally? What hurdles are they encountering on their equity journeys and how are they navigating through difficult conversations?

In this session, NNCG chair Kris Putnam-Walkerly will present the findings of an equity field scan her firm recently completed, and discuss several key points that the scan revealed about how foundations are incorporating equity into their internal operations. She will be joined by Nonet Sykes, Director of Race Equity and Inclusion at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, who will share that foundation’s groundbreaking and field-leading work in addressing and incorporating equity. Sykes will discuss the steps Casey is taking to infuse equity throughout the organization, as well as pitfalls and lessons learned. 




National Center for Family Philanthropy

Description: This webinar for family foundations will feature a conversation on strategies for connecting with community and building an equity lens into your Grantmaking and internal operations. Kris Putnam-Walkerly will be joined by Patrick Troska, Executive Director of the Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation




Fund for Our Economic Future
Cleveland, OH

Equity: Philanthropy’s New Buzz Word or the Key to Achieving your Foundation’s Mission

Description: During this private, all-member meeting, Kris Putnam-Walkerly will share findings from her recent report “Findings and Lessons From a Field Scan of Foundations That Are Embracing Equity” and will be joined by other foundation leaders who will share their experiences incorporating an equity lens into their grantmaking and operations.




North Carolina Network of Grantmakers’ Health Legacy Foundation Board Summit, High Point, NC

Description: At this dynamic and provocative session staff and board members of emerging health legacy foundations will learn:

  • How to manage – and exceed – expectations
  • Ten essential roles of foundation boards and board members
  • Six mistakes new foundation boards make, and how to avoid them
  • The power dynamic of being the funder




Exponent Philanthropy National Conference
Chicago, IL

Description: A cadre of small-staffed funders are experimenting with philanthropy that counts money as only one of many assets. They achieve impact by developing deep knowledge, engaging with the community, taking bold risks, and constantly evolving their approach as they listen, learn, and stay close to the action. Discover the practices and mindset of a “research and development” approach to philanthropy.




Ohio State Bar Foundation
Columbus, OH

Responsive, Strategic, or Both?

Description: This private training for a foundation board will define responsive and strategic grantmaking, the pros and cons of each, when it’s appropriate to be responsive to community needs and when it’s best to identify and focus on specific issues, 4 ways foundations to combine strategic and responsive approaches, real-life examples of responsive and strategic grantmaking at other foundations, 5 mistakes to avoid when focusing your grantmaking, the role of the Board in strategic grantmaking, and identification of actionable next steps.




Moses Taylor Foundation
Scranton, PA

Good Grantmaking

Description: This private board training for a new healthy legacy foundation will cover strategic vs responsive grantmaking; the strategy development lifecycle; continuous learning and improvement; and the funder’s toolbox; tools to achieve impact beyond money.




NEPA Alliance Grantmakers Forum
Scranton, PA

5 Practices of Extraordinary Grantmakers

Description: This provocative session for foundation CEOs and trustees will address: Creating a culture of innovation, having an abundance vs. poverty mentality, streamlining operations, intentionally learning and improving, and collaborating with other funders for impact.




Moses Taylor Foundation
Scranton, PA

Don’t Do This: 6 Mistakes New Foundation Boards Make, and How To Avoid Them

Description: This private board training for a new healthy legacy foundation covered 10 essential roles of foundation boards and directors; similarities and differences between foundation boards and other nonprofit or hospital boards; common mistakes made by foundation boards; systems and processes to put in place now; and how to make the complex simple, not the simple complex.




Southeastern Council on Foundations Annual Conference
Asheville, NC

Tips, Tools and Lessons on Multimedia Storytelling

Description: This panel will explore how the effective use of multimedia storytelling and social media can help a foundation highlight its work, inform grantees, and create an environment for shared learning and experiences. Panelists will share insights, tips and strategies as they look at examples from large and small foundations to distill the most successful elements of storytelling across platforms. Attendees will leave with a list of online tools they can take back to their teams to help execute a strategic approach to digital content.




Exponent Philanthropy – CONNECT Conference
Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa, Chandler, AZ

Description: Grantmaking is most effective when you have a process, but the process shouldn’t overwhelm you or your nonprofit partners, or create barriers to learning. Find out how to develop a structured process that fits your mission, goals, capacity, and style of operating.




Donors Forum of Illinois
Chicago, IL

The Value of Philanthropy Consulting

Description: Presentation and conversation about the first-ever survey on philanthropy consulting by the Foundation Center, highlighting the responses of over 1,000 grantmakers throughout the United States.




Exponent Philanthropy

Let It Go: Rethink Your Grantmaking Processes to Reclaim Your Edge

Description: Do you feel bogged down in grantmaking? Do you feel that, in processing applications, reports, and evaluations—in dotting every i and crossing every t—you have lost track of your philanthropy’s purpose and soul? Do you want to spend more time in the community, meeting grantees, talking with knowledgeable people, getting insights, and building relationships—enjoying your work? On this conference call you will: Gain perspectives from experienced funders about what practices are truly important to make impact and change (and what to let go), and discover how to cut through the clutter of philanthropy and free yourself to reclaim your agility, creativity, and edge.




Philanthropy Ohio

5 Trends on the Philanthropic Horizon

Description: Join our virtual tour of five trends that are likely to affect your philanthropic practice in the next few years. While no one can predict exactly what’s going to happen in the future, seasoned philanthropy veteran Kris Putnam-Walkerly promises you a glance into her “semi-opaque crystal ball.”




Philanthropy Ohio
Cleveland, OH

Philanthropy 2.0: Strategic Investments in Human Capital

Description: At this meeting, Kris Putnam-Walkerly, a nationally-recognized leader in philanthropic program design, implementation, evaluation and communications, will lead us through a case study focused on increasing mission impact via strategic investments in human capital. We’ll also explore the talent and leadership development pipeline and its specific relationship to the sector.




Giving Resiliently Through The COVID-19 Pandemic

Description: In this webinar, philanthropists will learn how to:

  • Prevent fear and overwhelm from holding you back
  • Increase your philanthropic speed and agility
  • Stay focused on your top priorities
  • Increase your effectiveness and impact during the crisis
  • Maintain momentum AFTER the crisis

This webinar is for all types of philanthropists – individual donors, foundations, corporate giving programs, giving circles, family offices, and donor-advised fund holders – who are looking for ways not only to navigate through this crisis, but increase their philanthropic effectiveness.

Sponsored by iWave.




How to Increase Your Nonprofit Leadership and Effectiveness During The Crisis

Description: In this webinar nonprofit leaders will learn how to:

  • Prevent fear and overwhelm from holding you back
  • Increase your speed and agility
  • Stay focused on your top priorities
  • Increase your effectiveness and impact during the crisis
  • Maintain momentum AFTER the crisis

Sponsored by iWave.




Philanthropy and the Impact of COVID-19

Description: Everything has changed. Leading consultants and philanthropists come together to discuss the role of individuals, foundations and governments in the coming era and the kinds of partnerships we will need to forge on the road ahead.




Delusional Altruism: How Funders Get In Their Own Way and What Consultants Can Do To Help Them

Description: Did you know that most philanthropists want to change the world, but they get in their own way? Kris Putnam-Walkerly, global philanthropy advisor and author of Delusional Altruism: Why Philanthropists Fail To Achieve Change And What They Can Do To Transform Giving (Wiley, March 2020), will share common delusional thoughts and practices that drastically hinder philanthropists from achieving transformational social change. She will also explain how consultants can inadvertently contribute to this delusional thinking, and what they can do to help funders transform their giving. Sponsored by National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers.




7 Ways to Increase Your Philanthropic Impact During COVID-19

Description: In a crisis that touches every funder’s mission, strategy, geography and focus area, many philanthropists are rapidly adapting, transforming how they give, and providing immediate relief. Co-Sponsored by National Center for Family Philanthropy, Exponent Philanthropy, and Putnam Consulting Group.




Delusional Altruism: Insights by Kris Putnam-Walkerly

Description: In her latest book, Delusional Altruism: Why Philanthropists Fail To Achieve Change and What They Can Do To Transform Giving, philanthropy advisor Kris Putnam-Walkerly provides real-world advice and practical guidance to help philanthropists avoid common delusional thoughts and practices that drastically hinder them from achieving transformational social change. In addition to helping you uncover self-limiting fallacies and how they may be manifesting in your giving efforts, Putnam-Walkerly shares proven strategies to avoid and overcome these pitfalls to realize your goal for impactful, sustainable change. Join Putnam-Walkerly for a special webinar where she’ll answer your questions about effective giving. Hosted by Giving Compass.




Family Office Newport Conference 2019
Newport, RI

Philanthropy and Its Role in the Family Office
Description: Discussing philanthropy with your clients is a vital part of your wealth management services. It allows you to position yourself or your firm as a go-to expert on charitable planning and philanthropic giving, while simultaneously deepening client relationships across multi-generational families.



Southern California Grantmakers
Los Angeles, CA

Starting a Consulting Business




Points of Light Thought Leadership Meeting
Kennebunkport, MA

Igniting Civic Culture: The Role of Private Philanthropy in Healing our Democracy
Description: Private philanthropy has a long history of funding initiatives that change communities. Whether it be through the arts, community organizing, educational access, or voting drives, private funders are often able to make significant, long-term investments on local and global scales. What role does private philanthropy have in healing our democracy, if any?




Arizona Grantmakers Forum Annual Meeting
Phoenix, AZ

Description: Every foundation likes to consider itself strategic. But what does “strategic grantmaking” really mean, and is it always the best course of action? This session will define responsive and strategic grantmaking, the pros and cons of each, when each is most appropriate, four ways foundations can combine strategic and responsive approaches, five mistakes to avoid, and next steps you can take right now.




Southeastern Council on Foundations’ Annual Conference
Trustees-Only Luncheon, Orlando, FL

Description: Every year, it seems that our world is changing more and more rapidly. Social, economic and technological changes bring both bad and good consequences. They can lead to greater human needs, and more creative ways of meeting them. They can foster both broader disconnects in communities and new bridges for overcoming them. Changes in public funding patterns provide both challenge and opportunity for private funders. How will the roles of foundations, and the trustees who guide them, need to adapt to make the most of change? And what aspects of trusteeship should remain stalwart no matter what? Global philanthropy advisor Kris Putnam-Walkerly will lead a spirited and provocative conversation about the roles of foundation trustees in the face of change. You’ll learn:
  • How trustees often fall prey to “delusional altruism” in their foundation leadership
  • How you can capitalize on change to ensure your giving moves from transactional to transformational
  • How trustees can use change as a catalyst for collaboration and creativity
You will also hear the thoughts of veteran trustees and rising stars, and discuss your own ideas with trustee peers in this trustees-only confidential gathering. You’ll leave with new ideas that you can apply immediately in your leadership role.







The Michael Chatman Giving Show




National Forum on Family Philanthropy

Description: In this session, participants will hear what foundations are doing broadly to incorporate equity internally, as well as ways specific family foundations are making equity a part of their day-to-day operations. We’ll also discuss how equity can help family foundations define and enhance their efforts at transparency. Kris Putnam-Walkerly, global philanthropy advisor, will present findings from her recent field scan, “The Road to Achieving Equity.” She will be joined by representatives from NCFP foundations who will share how their institutions are addressing issues of equity in ways that reflect family vision, encourage staff, better support grantees and partners, enhance transparency and achieve their missions. Participants will have the opportunity for small group discussions and a chance to ask deeper questions of each panelist, as they create their own plan for next steps to address equity within your own foundation.




2017 CONNECT Conference, Exponent Philanthropy
Denver, CO

As funders, our greatest insights, ideas, and inspiration often come when we take time to get away from the comfort of our offices, engage people in our community, listen, and learn. Find out how to acquire and engage deep knowledge so you can pinpoint where your dollars, connections, and influence can make catalytic impact.

  • Discover how developing knowledge and insight into your community or chosen field is essential to figuring out how to use your resources in the most powerful ways.
  • Learn practical techniques to scan the landscape and develop insight into priority needs and leverage points for change.
  • Find out how to overcome barriers to scanning, including lack of time and fear of being more public as a funder.




Philanthropy West Virginia Annual Conference

Description: This provocative keynote will explore how foundations can fall prey to “delusional altruism” – unintentionally getting in the way of their own impact and that of grantees – and how simple changes in common processes can instead create practices that are more productive and relevant for all. You’ll learn how to recognize ten manifestations of delusional altruism and understand how they hamper progress toward your mission. And, you’ll leave with smart ways to avoid pitfalls, increase your impact, improve grantee relationships, and enhance your legacy as a valued community partner.




National Center for Family Philanthropy webinar

Description: Part three of a three-part webinar series on how family foundations are embracing equity.




Iowa Council of Foundations Connect Conference
Newton, IA

Description: As community foundations and affiliate funds, our greatest insights, ideas, and inspiration often come when we take time to get away from the comfort of our offices, engage people in our community, listen, and learn. Find out how to acquire and engage deep knowledge so you can pinpoint where your dollars, connections, and influence can make catalytic impact. In this keynote you will:
  • Discover how developing knowledge and insight into your community or chosen field is essential to figuring out how to use your resources in the most powerful ways.
  • Learn practical techniques to scan the landscape and develop insight into priority needs and leverage points for change.
  • Find out how to overcome barriers to scanning, including lack of time and fear of being more public as a funder.
Description: This provocative session will explore how community foundations can fall prey to “delusional altruism” – unintentionally getting in the way of their own impact and that of grantees – and how simple changes in common processes can instead create practices that are more productive and relevant for all. You’ll learn how to recognize ten manifestations of delusional altruism and understand how they hamper progress toward your mission. And, you’ll leave with smart ways to avoid pitfalls, increase your impact, improve grantee relationships, and enhance your legacy as a valued community partner.




Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers
Baltimore, MD

Description: The idea of incorporating equity in philanthropy is gaining traction in the field, but the “how” of embracing equity can prove elusive – especially when foundations turn that equity lens inward. What does equity “look like” inside a foundation? Where is the best place to start? How do foundations bring all of their staff on board with an equity agenda – especially if an explicit focus on equity is something new and different? What are the biggest challenges in incorporating equity? What are examples of equitable practices that have been successfully implemented? In this session, you’ll hear what foundations are doing broadly to incorporate equity internally, as well as ways ABAG funders are making equity a part of their day-to-day operations. Then, you’ll have the opportunity for small group discussions and a chance to ask deeper questions of each panelist, as you create your own plan for next steps to address equity within your own foundation.

Kris Putnam-Walkerly, global philanthropy advisor, will present findings from her recent field scan, “The Road to Achieving Equity,” conducted on behalf of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She will be joined by Nonet T. Sykes, Director, Race Equity and Inclusion, the Annie E. Casey Foundation; and Kevin Griffin Moreno, Interim Director of Community Investment, Baltimore Community Foundation, who will share how their institutions are making operational changes in order to incorporate equity in ways that encourage staff, better support grantees and partners, and achieve their missions. 




Forum of Regional Association of Grantmakers Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA

Description: Before we begin to support our members work in racial equity, diversity and inclusion, we must first do the work in our own organizations and with ourselves. Join this workshop to explore the ways and tools used by members of the Forum to do the work at home before they are in community working. Kris Putnam-Walkerly will share findings of her recent her recent field scan, “The Road to Achieving Equity,” conducted on behalf of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She will be joined by panelists from the Association of Baltimore Area Grantmakers, Association of Black Foundation Executives, and Grantmakers for Effective Organizations.

Description: Equity is a trending topic in philanthropy, but many foundations are struggling to understand exactly what it means and how to address it. How are foundations incorporating equity into their work? What practices must they embrace internally in order to become truly equitable externally? What hurdles are they encountering on their journeys toward equity, and how are they navigating through difficult conversations?

In this webinar, Kris Putnam-Walkerly will present findings of a recent field scan, The Road to Achieving Equity, and discuss key points revealed in her research about how foundations are incorporating equity into their internal operations.




Community Foundations of Florida 2017 Annual Meeting, Florida Philanthropic Network, Naples, FL

Description: This provocative keynote will explore how community foundations can fall prey to “delusional altruism” – unintentionally getting in the way of their own impact and that of grantees – and how simple changes in common processes can instead create practices that are more productive and relevant for all. You’ll learn how to recognize eight manifestations of delusional altruism and understand how they hamper progress toward your mission. And, you’ll leave with smart ways to avoid pitfalls, increase your impact, improve grantee relationships, and enhance your legacy as a valued community partner.




National Center for Family Philanthropy webinar

Description: Part one of a three-part webinar series on how family foundations are embracing equity.




Philanthropy New York
New York, NY

Description: The idea of incorporating equity in philanthropy is gaining traction in the field. The reasons why may be obvious – from longstanding commitments to helping those most marginalized to recent electoral outcomes. But the how of embracing equity can prove elusive – especially when foundations turn that equity lens inward. What does equity “look like” inside a foundation? Where is the best place to start? How do foundations bring all of their staff on board with an equity agenda – especially if an explicit focus on equity is something new and different? What are the biggest challenges in incorporating equity? What are examples of equitable practices that have been successfully implemented? In this session, you’ll hear what foundations are doing broadly to incorporate equity internally, as well as ways three specific funders are making equity a part of their day-to-day operations.

Kris Putnam-Walkerly, global philanthropy advisor, will present findings from her recent field scan, “The Road to Achieving Equity,” conducted on behalf of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She will be joined by Samantha Gilbert, Vice President of Talent and Human Resources, The Ford Foundation; William Cordery, Program Officer for Strong Local Economies, Surdna Foundation; and Edgar Villanueva, Vice President of Programs and Advocacy, The Schott Foundation. These foundation leaders will share how their institutions are making operational changes in order to incorporate equity in ways that encourage staff, better support grantees and partners, and achieve their missions. Participants will have the opportunity for small group discussions and a chance to ask deeper questions of each panelist, as they create their own plan for next steps to address equity within your own foundation.




Philanthropy Ohio Webinar

Description: The philanthropic community – like much of America – is increasingly talking about equity, and foundations are incorporating equity in their internal operations as well as their grantmaking. This edition of Let’s Talk Philanthropy explores highlights from The Road to Achieving Equity: Findings and Lessons from a Field Scan of Foundations That Are Embracing Equity, a report presenting key findings and practices gleaned from conversations with leaders of 15 foundations on the forefront in embracing equity.

Join Putnam Consulting Group President Kris Putnam-Walkerly, MSW, and president and CEO of Philanthropy Ohio, Suzanne Allen, Ph.D., as they discuss the findings of this groundbreaking effort.

By participating in this program you will:

  • Learn how a common language around equity can be key to your success; and
  • Gain insight into best practices you can use to focus on equity in your organization.




National Summit on Family Philanthropy, Dorothy A. Johnson Center for Philanthropy, San Francisco, CA

Description: This provocative session will explore how family foundations may be unwittingly creating a culture of disrespect – and even damage – as a result of some common, seemingly harmless foundation practices. You’ll also learn about the problematic mindset of “delusional altruism” and how it can hamper progress toward your mission. You’ll leave with simple changes your foundation can make to avoid these pitfalls, increase your impact, and enhance your legacy as a valued community partner.




Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy Webinar

Description: In these demanding times, effective grantmaking is more important than ever. Join Kris Putnam-Walkerly, experienced philanthropy advisor and author of Confident Giving, to surface and break through the bad habits and well-intended follies that stand between our work and greater impact, including:

  • Moving away from scarcity-based approaches to foundation management
  • Cutting out unnecessary complexity and bureaucratic waste, and
  • Reforming processes that unintentionally disrespect our grantees




Colorado Association of Funders
Denver, CO

Description: During this workshop and panel discussion, Kris Putnam-Walkerly will share findings from her recent report “Findings and Lessons From a Field Scan of Foundations That Are Embracing Equity.” Ned Calonge, President and CEO of The Colorado Trust and Karen McNeil-Miller, President and CEO of The Colorado Health Foundation will share their foundations’ experiences incorporating an equity lens into their grantmaking and foundation operations.




National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers Webinar

Description: Equity is a trending topic in philanthropy, but many foundations are struggling to understand exactly what it means and how to address it. How are foundations incorporating equity into their work? What practices must they embrace internally in order to become truly equitable externally? What hurdles are they encountering on their equity journeys and how are they navigating through difficult conversations?

In this session, NNCG chair Kris Putnam-Walkerly will present the findings of an equity field scan her firm recently completed, and discuss several key points that the scan revealed about how foundations are incorporating equity into their internal operations. She will be joined by Nonet Sykes, Director of Race Equity and Inclusion at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, who will share that foundation’s groundbreaking and field-leading work in addressing and incorporating equity. Sykes will discuss the steps Casey is taking to infuse equity throughout the organization, as well as pitfalls and lessons learned. 




National Center for Family Philanthropy

Description: This webinar for family foundations will feature a conversation on strategies for connecting with community and building an equity lens into your Grantmaking and internal operations. Kris Putnam-Walkerly will be joined by Patrick Troska, Executive Director of the Jay and Rose Phillips Family Foundation




Fund for Our Economic Future
Cleveland, OH

Equity: Philanthropy’s New Buzz Word or the Key to Achieving your Foundation’s Mission

Description: During this private, all-member meeting, Kris Putnam-Walkerly will share findings from her recent report “Findings and Lessons From a Field Scan of Foundations That Are Embracing Equity” and will be joined by other foundation leaders who will share their experiences incorporating an equity lens into their grantmaking and operations.




North Carolina Network of Grantmakers’ Health Legacy Foundation Board Summit, High Point, NC

Description: At this dynamic and provocative session staff and board members of emerging health legacy foundations will learn:

  • How to manage – and exceed – expectations
  • Ten essential roles of foundation boards and board members
  • Six mistakes new foundation boards make, and how to avoid them
  • The power dynamic of being the funder




Exponent Philanthropy National Conference
Chicago, IL

Description: A cadre of small-staffed funders are experimenting with philanthropy that counts money as only one of many assets. They achieve impact by developing deep knowledge, engaging with the community, taking bold risks, and constantly evolving their approach as they listen, learn, and stay close to the action. Discover the practices and mindset of a “research and development” approach to philanthropy.




Ohio State Bar Foundation
Columbus, OH

Responsive, Strategic, or Both?

Description: This private training for a foundation board will define responsive and strategic grantmaking, the pros and cons of each, when it’s appropriate to be responsive to community needs and when it’s best to identify and focus on specific issues, 4 ways foundations to combine strategic and responsive approaches, real-life examples of responsive and strategic grantmaking at other foundations, 5 mistakes to avoid when focusing your grantmaking, the role of the Board in strategic grantmaking, and identification of actionable next steps.




Moses Taylor Foundation
Scranton, PA

Good Grantmaking

Description: This private board training for a new healthy legacy foundation will cover strategic vs responsive grantmaking; the strategy development lifecycle; continuous learning and improvement; and the funder’s toolbox; tools to achieve impact beyond money.




NEPA Alliance Grantmakers Forum
Scranton, PA

5 Practices of Extraordinary Grantmakers

Description: This provocative session for foundation CEOs and trustees will address: Creating a culture of innovation, having an abundance vs. poverty mentality, streamlining operations, intentionally learning and improving, and collaborating with other funders for impact.




Moses Taylor Foundation
Scranton, PA

Don’t Do This: 6 Mistakes New Foundation Boards Make, and How To Avoid Them

Description: This private board training for a new healthy legacy foundation covered 10 essential roles of foundation boards and directors; similarities and differences between foundation boards and other nonprofit or hospital boards; common mistakes made by foundation boards; systems and processes to put in place now; and how to make the complex simple, not the simple complex.




Southeastern Council on Foundations Annual Conference
Asheville, NC

Tips, Tools and Lessons on Multimedia Storytelling

Description: This panel will explore how the effective use of multimedia storytelling and social media can help a foundation highlight its work, inform grantees, and create an environment for shared learning and experiences. Panelists will share insights, tips and strategies as they look at examples from large and small foundations to distill the most successful elements of storytelling across platforms. Attendees will leave with a list of online tools they can take back to their teams to help execute a strategic approach to digital content.




Exponent Philanthropy – CONNECT Conference
Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa, Chandler, AZ

Description: Grantmaking is most effective when you have a process, but the process shouldn’t overwhelm you or your nonprofit partners, or create barriers to learning. Find out how to develop a structured process that fits your mission, goals, capacity, and style of operating.




Donors Forum of Illinois
Chicago, IL

The Value of Philanthropy Consulting

Description: Presentation and conversation about the first-ever survey on philanthropy consulting by the Foundation Center, highlighting the responses of over 1,000 grantmakers throughout the United States.




Exponent Philanthropy

Let It Go: Rethink Your Grantmaking Processes to Reclaim Your Edge

Description: Do you feel bogged down in grantmaking? Do you feel that, in processing applications, reports, and evaluations—in dotting every i and crossing every t—you have lost track of your philanthropy’s purpose and soul? Do you want to spend more time in the community, meeting grantees, talking with knowledgeable people, getting insights, and building relationships—enjoying your work? On this conference call you will: Gain perspectives from experienced funders about what practices are truly important to make impact and change (and what to let go), and discover how to cut through the clutter of philanthropy and free yourself to reclaim your agility, creativity, and edge.




Philanthropy Ohio

5 Trends on the Philanthropic Horizon

Description: Join our virtual tour of five trends that are likely to affect your philanthropic practice in the next few years. While no one can predict exactly what’s going to happen in the future, seasoned philanthropy veteran Kris Putnam-Walkerly promises you a glance into her “semi-opaque crystal ball.”




Philanthropy Ohio
Cleveland, OH

Philanthropy 2.0: Strategic Investments in Human Capital

Description: At this meeting, Kris Putnam-Walkerly, a nationally-recognized leader in philanthropic program design, implementation, evaluation and communications, will lead us through a case study focused on increasing mission impact via strategic investments in human capital. We’ll also explore the talent and leadership development pipeline and its specific relationship to the sector.

Are you in need of a provocative, engaging voice at your next conference or private event?

Have another topic in mind or are you ready to book Kris for your next engagement? Contact Kris today!

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