Kris Putnam-Walkerly’s

Confident Giving Book

Read this today. Be more effective tomorrow.

Kris uses a refreshing combination of common sense and humor

As a grantmaker, what do you wish you could do better? What’s standing in your way? How do you eliminate the thoughts and practices that hinder your efforts and elevate the ones that enhance your effectiveness?

Chances are, if you’ve wrestled with a grantmaking challenge, Kris has addressed it in her weekly Confident Giving e-newsletter. Now, the wisdom and insights collected from more than a year’s worth of weekly posts are collected in one volume: Confident Giving: Sage Advice for Funders from One of Philanthropy’s Top Advisors.

Learn to:

  • create logical, streamlined grantmaking processes
  • approach grantmaking with an abundance mentality
  • define your personal journey as a grantmaker
  • deal effectively with real-life hurdles grantmakers face every day

Named as an Award Finalist in the 2017 Best Book Awards

Named as a Winner in the 2017 Bookvana Awards

Chosen as a Finalist in the 2017 International Book Awards

Named one of the “10 Best Corporate Social Responsibility Books”

Inspired wisdom that stands out among the field’s thought leaders.

“Kris shares the kind of advice that one wishes every consultant would give— insightful, useful and to the point, and always with good humor. She provides clear and inspiring thinking that comes from her experiences and a clear passion for our field.”

Peter Long

President & CEO, Blue Shield of California Foundation

“I find the wisdom in Kris’s newsletter to be inspiring—so much so that I hired her firm to help our foundation tell our own inspiring story. The fresh perspective that Kris brings to philanthropy is always eye-opening and spot-on.”

Allen Smart

Vice President of Programs, Kate B. Reynolds Charitable Trust

“Having known and worked with Kris for years, I’m always eager to find Confident Giving in my inbox. The ideas she shares are easy to read and engaging to think about—and have shown me many ways to improve our own strategies.”

Nonet Sykes

Director of Race, Equity, and Inclusion, Annie E. Casey Foundation

“Smart, relevant, and reader-friendly, the Putnam weekly newsletters are always a must read for me. What a treat to have them compiled in one place for easy reference! Every philanthropic leader will want to have Confident Giving on their professional bookshelf.”

Judy Belk

President and CEO, The California Wellness Foundation

“Kris Putnam Walkerly has a distinctive voice in Confident Giving. It’s one of my favorite ways to stay in touch with the current issues in grantmaking, and her articles keep me connected to the mix of current conversations in the field, new ideas, and good old common sense.”

Mark Smith

former President and CEO, California HealthCare Foundation

“Kris Putnam-Walkerly offers us all concise, insightful lessons from her years of experience in working to connect philanthropy with the most effective organizations in the country. Her new book gives us her best lessons and is worth daily reflection for those working to bring focused ideas into action to create positive change in our communities and world.”

Jed Emerson

Blended Value Group

What to learn more in person?

Kris is happy to serve as a speaker to your foundation board, community or professional association!

Over nearly two decades in philanthropy, I’ve read a lot of advice targeted to philanthropy. None of it hits home as consistently and as resonantly as Kris’s Confident Giving articles. It’s a weekly treat in my inbox!
Jane Isaacs Lowe
Senior Advisor, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
I’ve known Kris for more than a decade, and have found her thoughts on the field to benefit not just me, but my staff as well. Her insights help us keep our heads focused on our vision and our feet firmly rooted in the communities we serve
Bob Eckardt
Executive Vice President, Cleveland Foundation

About the Author

For over 25 years, top global philanthropies, ultra-high net worth donors, celebrity activists, foundations, wealth advisors, and Fortune 500 companies have sought Kris Putnam-Walkerly’s philanthropic advisory services to dramatically increase the clarity, speed, impact and joy of their giving.

As a sought after philanthropy advisor, expert and award-winning author, she’s helped hundreds of foundations and philanthropists strategically allocate and assess over half a billion dollars in grants and gifts.

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