Ten Most Read Articles of 2018


rawpixel-610075-unsplashBelow are my 10 most read, shared, and commented upon articles from 2018 on Forbes.com and in my Confident Giving newsletter in 2018. Many of them were also re-posted in the newsletters and blogs of leading organizations in philanthropy, including Alliance Magazine, Giving Compass, Exponent Philanthropy, National Center for Family Philanthropy, PEAK Grantmaking and others. My readers often tell me they appreciate that my articles are provocative AND practical, and help them with the exact issues they are working on in their philanthropic giving. I hope they help you transform your giving and catapult your impact in 2019.


The Delusional Philanthropist

All too often philanthropists delude themselves about their own effectiveness because they don’t see the myriad ways they are adding needless complexity and complication to their work.

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unnamedR-E-S-P-E-C-T: Respect In Philanthropy

Are you creating a legacy of respect within your philanthropic organization? Develop a culture of respect that will grow into a hallmark of everything you do.

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Leave The Office And Break Out Of Your Bubble

Effective grantmaking rarely happens if grantmakers spend all their time behind their desks. Engage more deeply in learning about the issues you address and the places you serve.

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https---specials-images.forbesimg.com-dam-imageserve-695655314-960x0.jpg?fit=scalePhilanthropy – The Forgotten Investment Asset 

In your quest to be a socially conscious change creator, are you overlooking the power of one key asset: your philanthropy?

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https---specials-images.forbesimg.com-dam-imageserve-736889458-960x0.jpg?fit=scaleWhy Foundation Strategy Moves Slowly 

Just as important as streamlining your foundation is understanding WHY our processes can become bogged down in the first place.

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https---specials-images.forbesimg.com-dam-imageserve-486276100-960x0.jpg?fit=scaleHow To Pick Up The Pace And Have Greater Impact In Philanthropy 

Why should you change your approach? Because every delay prevents our ability to have an impact.

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unnamed-2Creating Champions for Change From Within 

How to create stronger champions who will commit to change for the long term.

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drinks-2578446_1920-300x200Are You Driving Your Staff (and Grantees) to Drink? 

Is your use of vague terms and confusing philanthropy jargon driving your staff and grantees to drink?

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money-300x200.jpg_930094764Transact Or Transform: What Kind Of Giver Are You?

Transformational Giving can provide deep and lasting benefits to a community. It also can accrue deeper benefits to donors who recognize that transformational giving can align their philanthropic goals with private investment goals for a more impactful total return.

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https---specials-images.forbesimg.com-dam-imageserve-684429790-960x0.jpg?fit=scaleBringing The Joy Back To Your Philanthropy

Have you lost sight of the big picture and the reasons you were drawn to philanthropy in the first place? All it takes is a willingness to step outside your office, break with routine and open yourself up to a shift in perspective. You’ll ignite a new vision — or perhaps relight an old one.

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I appreciate all of you who take time to send me your feedback, and invite you to continue sharing your thoughts and comments.

Happy New Year!

Kris is a sought after philanthropy advisor, expert and award-winning author. She has helped over 90 foundations and philanthropists strategically allocate and assess over half a billion dollars in grants and gifts.

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