Emotional Support in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy


This blog was originally posted on the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) website on November 13, 2012.

Need emotional support in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy?

The immediate chaos associated with a natural disaster may leave you “too busy” to realize the emotional toll its taking at first, but that doesn’t mean that you won’t feel the effects once all of the activity dies down. SAMHSA continues to work hard with its partners to ensure that those working through the emotional hardships associated with disasters have resources to help themselves and their loved ones cope both during and after the fact.

Need to speak with someone NOW?

SAMHSA sponsors a national Disaster Distress Helpline that immediately connects callers to trained and caring professionals from the closest crisis counseling center within the nationwide network.

To access the helpline 24 hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week, call  1-800-985-5990 , text TalkWithUs to 66746, or visit the SAMHSA website at http://disasterdistress.samhsa.gov/

The Helpline staff will provide confidential counseling, referrals and other needed support services.

Need tips on helping yourself and loved ones cope with the emotional toll of Hurricane Sandy?

Find resources to help yourself and loved ones work through the emotional stress of Hurricane Sandy and other disasters on the SAMHSA website at

When disaster strikes, people react with increased anxiety, worry and anger. With community and family support, most of us bounce back. Take some time to make sure you and your loved ones are getting any extra assistance necessary in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy; there are countless organizations and people out there who want to and can help.


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Posted by Kris Putnam-Walkerly © Kris Putnam-Walkerly and Philanthropy411, 2012.

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