Dare to Dream: Your Summer Philanthropy Challenge


How Will Your Summer Redefine the Power of Philanthropy?


Summertime has arrived! Yes, it’s time to kick back, relax, and enjoy the sweet languor of the lazy summer vacation. Whether you’re soaking up the sun on a pristine beach, exploring the rugged beauty of the mountains, or simply enjoying the tranquility of your backyard, there’s an undeniable charm in taking a break and letting your mind wander.

As you unplug from the relentless buzz of your everyday routine, I invite you to embrace a summer challenge that could potentially revolutionize your philanthropy journey. It’s simple, yet transformative. It’s personal, yet expansive. It requires nothing but your own permission.

Breathe in the fresh summer air. Allow yourself to dream big. Welcome any and all thoughts – even those that seem wildly unconventional. Yes, this is your time to reimagine your philanthropy – from the ground up.

Picture this: You’re starting anew, equipped with the financial resources of your philanthropy and the wisdom you’ve accumulated over the years. You’re unbound by preconceived notions of how philanthropy “should” be done. Now, how would you go about it?

Here are a few provocations to jump-start your summer daydream:

  • What would your foundation look like if you had a do-over – if you could build it from scratch today? Or would you choose not to have a foundation at all? What other forms could your philanthropy take?
  • If you could wave a magic wand and make one transformative change in your charitable giving, what would it be?
  • How could you leverage your assets—people, knowledge, relationships, investments, reputation—to create a positive impact on the communities and causes you cherish, even without making direct grants?
  • Imagine you or your foundation receiving a prestigious philanthropy award. What accomplishment would you want to be recognized for?
  • What emerging innovations, whether inside or outside of philanthropy, have piqued your interest? How could you harness them to amplify your impact?
  • What’s one risk you haven’t taken in your philanthropy, but you wish you had? How might it have changed your approach or outcomes?”
  • What do YOU genuinely desire from your philanthropic journey?
  • What obstacles stand in your way? Why?

Remember, the goal here is not to sweat the small stuff. This is your chance to dream big, to reimagine your philanthropy in ways that inspire and energize you. Scribble your thoughts in a journal or record them on your phone. Let them marinate as you continue to savor your summer break.

When vacation time draws to a close, revisit these ideas. Do they still ignite that spark within you? If so, it’s likely they’ll inspire others as well. Harness their potential to inject something fresh and dynamic into your philanthropy and the world it serves.

As a strategic advisor to leading philanthropists and foundation CEOs for over 20 years, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of bold, innovative thinking in philanthropy. My clients share a common aspiration: to effect meaningful change through their giving. However, they often find themselves held back by various obstacles. My mission is to help you navigate these challenges, fostering greater clarity, impact, and joy in your philanthropic journey.

Ready to put your summer dream into action? Let’s work together to turn your vision into a reality. Schedule a call with me and we’ll chart a course for your transformational giving journey. I can’t wait to hear about your summer daydreams and help you convert them into actionable strategies that amplify your impact. Your summer philanthropy challenge begins now. Are you ready to rise to the occasion?

Kris is a sought after philanthropy advisor, expert and award-winning author. She has helped over 90 foundations and philanthropists strategically allocate and assess over half a billion dollars in grants and gifts.

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