Thoughts on Community Foundations


Philanthropy411 is currently covering the Fall Conference for Community Foundations with the help of a blog team.  This is a guest post by Barbara D. Kibbe, Vice President, Client Services at The Monitor Institute.

By:  Barbara D. Kibbe

The 2010 COF Community Foundations Conference is a robust and energetic gathering with fully twice the number of participants as last year. I had the privilege and the pleasure to join the opening plenary panel. Given the many questions and comments posed to me afterward, I want to take advantage of our Philanthropy411 Blog to reiterate a message I feel particularly strongly about.  Community Foundations are poised to be and to stay at the cutting edge of philanthropy that has impact. They have a leg up on both Acting Bigger and Adapting Better in our networked world. They stand at the center of networks of donors and doers. They have the opportunity to guide both of these interdependent communities toward greater and greater alignment over time. The opportunity is there, the tools for understanding context are emerging and the leaders are capable. Community Foundations can and should lead philanthropy into the future.

Kris is a sought after philanthropy advisor, expert and award-winning author. She has helped over 90 foundations and philanthropists strategically allocate and assess over half a billion dollars in grants and gifts.

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