The ImpactAssets Handbook
For Investors

Fundamental strategies for making high-impact philanthropic investments

The ImpactAssets Handbook
For Investors

Generating Social and Environmental Value Through Capital Investing

One of the most striking trends in the world of investing is the ever-growing interest in making investments that are highly impactful upon both society and the environment as an integral strategy for generating financial returns. These kinds of investments don’t just make more money, they leave a legacy. With contributions from many of the leading expert investors in the field, this handbook outlines the key components to making investments that are catalysts for positive change and lasting influence.

As one of the book’s featured authors, Kris Putnam-Walkerly sets forth the fundamental strategies for making high-impact philanthropic investments in her chapter entitled, “Transformational Giving: Philanthropy as an Investment in Change.” Many investors see philanthropy simply as a way of “giving back,” but Kris debunks this myth by demonstrating how it is, in fact, a crucial asset class that can strengthen a portfolio and effect measurable, meaningful change in the world around us. This chapter highlights the most essential elements of Transformational Giving, such as:

The book is a must-read for investors who want to build portfolios that create a better world.

Request Kris’s Transformational Giving chapter for free:

A much-needed guide for investors seeking to both understand the impact investing landscape and engage their own portfolios for impact. Full of examples and resources to provide guidance and insight along the journey.
Ron D. Cordes
Co-founder, Cordes Foundation
The ImpactAssets Handbook for Investors takes a sledgehammer to the fossilized mind-set that financial returns are all that matter. Jed Emerson and his coauthors give color and texture to an approach to investment and business that is changing our economy more effectively […] than government.
Seth Goldman
Co-founder and TeaEO Emeritus, Honest Tea
The book is a must-read for investors who want to build portfolios that create a better world.

About the Author

For over 20 years, top global philanthropies, ultra-high net worth donors, celebrity activists, foundations, wealth advisors, and Fortune 500 companies have sought Kris Putnam-Walkerly’s philanthropic advisory services to dramatically increase the clarity, speed, impact and joy of their giving.

As a sought after philanthropy advisor, expert and award-winning author, she’s helped over 90 foundations and philanthropists strategically allocate and assess over half a billion dollars in grants and gifts.

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