Delusional AltruismSM: Avoiding Self-Deception and Disrespect

Foundations pride themselves on the good they do for others; that’s the very nature and culture of philanthropy. However, in my 18+ years of experience advising foundations, I’ve found that most foundations suffer from Delusional AltruismSM. Recognizing what Delusional AltruismSM is and how it is manifested will have a lasting impact and you will be delighted with the dramatic improvements your foundation can make on the issue and communities you so clearly care about. If you suspect that Delusional AltruismSM is undermining your philanthropic effectiveness, SIGN UP to receive YOUR FREE COPY of the white paper “Delusional AltruismSM: Avoiding Self-Deception and Disrespect” by filling out the form below.

In this paper you will discover:

  • What Is Delusional AltruismSM?
  • The 10 Manifestations of Delusional AltruismSM
  • How to Overcoming Delusion: Ten Things You Can Do Right Now
  • Quick way to evaluate if your philanthropy suffers from Delusional AltruismSM?

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