Keep Calm and Carry On (With Your Mission)

In the face of a rapidly changing policy environment that appears to sometimes question the values most philanthropists espouse (you know, things like justice, compassion, and honesty), it’s understandable if funders feel panicked, deflated, enraged, or all three simultaneously. Those are the emotions that many of my clients, from a full spectrum of political leanings, […]

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5 Ways Foundations Cause More Problems Than They Solve

It’s the nature of philanthropy to want to help. It’s what foundations were created to do. Yet all too often, foundations, corporate grantmakers, and donors unintentionally cause problems instead of helping to solve them. Even with the best intentions, foundations take actions that are counter to the outcome they – and their grantees – hope

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The Experiences of An Emerging Leader at National Philanthropy Conferences

Philanthropy411, is currently covering the Council on Foundations conference with the help of a blog team.  This is a guest post by Maisha Simmons, Program Associate at The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation by Maisha Simmons While attending my first Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP) national conference in Philadelphia, I did not know what to expect.

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Bringing A Narrative Eye to Philanthropy – Part 3

Philanthropy411, is currently covering the Council on Foundations conference with the help of a blog team.  This is a guest post by Jorge Cino, Social Media Fellow, at the Levi Strauss Foundation. by Jorge Cino Note: You can access the first part of this post here, and the second part here. Throughout the recent annual

Bringing A Narrative Eye to Philanthropy – Part 3 Read More »

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