Kris Putnam-Walkerly

Thoughts from the Pre-Conference Institute for Trustees & CEOs: “Insights for Philanthropic Leadership”

Philanthropy411, in partnership with the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers, is currently covering the Council on Foundations conference with the help of a blog team.  This is a guest post by Richard Woo, CEO of the Russell Family Foundation. By:  Richard Woo Today I attended the Council on Foundation’s pre-conference institute for Trustees &

Thoughts from the Pre-Conference Institute for Trustees & CEOs: “Insights for Philanthropic Leadership” Read More »

Kick off of Council on Foundations Blog Team

Philanthropy411, in partnership with the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers, is currently covering the Council on Foundations conference with the help of a blog team.  This is a guest post by Sterling Speirn, President and CEO of the WK Kellogg Foundation.  Sterling kicks off this year’s blog team with some poetry. by:  Sterling Speirn Taking

Kick off of Council on Foundations Blog Team Read More »

What Do You Want To Learn From Council on Foundations Conference?

As you know, the Philanthropy411 Blog Team will be blogging from the Council on Foundations conference, starting with the pre-conference sessions this Saturday, April 24th. What do you want to learn? Write a comment below and tell us what you are most interested in learning. I can’t promise that our Blog Team will address all

What Do You Want To Learn From Council on Foundations Conference? Read More »

67 Recommended Philanthropy Speakers

A few weeks ago, Sean Stannard-Stockton of Tactical Philanthropy posted a blog asking: Who are the most amazing, dynamic and engaging speakers you’ve ever seen talk about philanthropy, the social sector and social capital markets? Many people offered up their favorite speakers on the topic of nonprofits and philanthropy.  Kyle Reis of the Ford Foundation

67 Recommended Philanthropy Speakers Read More »

Your Team at the Council on Foundations Conference

I’m thrilled to announce the 2010 Philanthropy411 Blog Team for the Council on Foundations annual conference in Denver! This year’s  Team is organized in collaboration with the National Network of Consultants to Grantmakers. We’ll be blogging from Denver starting with the pre-conference sessions on Saturday, April 24th. As many of you know, Sean Stannard-Stockton’s Tactical

Your Team at the Council on Foundations Conference Read More »

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