September 30, 2010

Can Surowiecki Help Us Make Wiser Grantmaking Decisions?

Philanthropy411 is currently covering the Communications Network and CommA Fall 2010 Conference in Los Angeles with the help of a blog team, which is part of the conference’s 2nd annual Gorilla Engagement Squad.  This is a guest post by Daniel Silverman, Director of Communications, The James Irvine Foundation. Follow Daniel on Twitter: @IrvineFdn by:  Daniel […]

Can Surowiecki Help Us Make Wiser Grantmaking Decisions? Read More »

The Comm Network’s Gone Hollywood, Should Foundations?

Philanthropy411 is currently covering the Communications Network and CommA Fall 2010 Conference in Los Angeles with the help of a blog team, which is part of the conference’s 2nd annual Gorilla Engagement Squad.  This is a guest post by Adam Coyne, Vice President, Director of Public Affairs at Mathematica Policy Research.  Follow Adam on Twitter: 

The Comm Network’s Gone Hollywood, Should Foundations? Read More »

I Got out of Bed for This: Leaving Home for LA

Philanthropy411 is currently covering the Communications Network and CommA Fall 2010 Conference in Los Angeles with the help of a blog team, which is part of the conference’s 2nd annual Gorilla Engagement Squad.  This is a guest post by Sylvia Burgos Toftness,Communications Lead at the Northwest Area Foundation.  Follow the Foundation on Twitter:  @NWAFound by: 

I Got out of Bed for This: Leaving Home for LA Read More »

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