34 Resources For Nonprofit Organizations


Yesterday I spoke with a group of LGBT nonprofit leaders from the Eastern European country of Georgia, including the Women’s Initiative Supporting Group and TANADGOMA, about nonprofit management, strategic planning, and the challenges of philanthropic funding of  marginalized communities, such as the women’s and LGBT communities of Georgia. The meeting was sponsored by the US State Department and the Cleveland Council on World Affairs.  This fantastic group of committed leaders spoke about tremendous challenges, including extreme homophobia and violent attacks on gay activists; lack of organized philanthropy or philanthropic support within Georgia; funders who only want to fund short-term projects and refuse to provide general operating support, multi-year grants, funding for needs assessments or research, or provide support for community empowerment efforts. One funder only allowed 1% of their budget to be allocated for overhead!

In preparation for my presentation I compiled a list of 34 resources for nonprofit organizations that I thought might help these leaders in their efforts to strengthen their organizations. I decided post them here too for other nonprofits and funders to use. If you think of other resources that would help LGBT nonprofit leaders in Georgia, please share them in the comments section and I will pass them along!


1. Foundation Center
The Foundation Center is the leading source of information about philanthropy worldwide. Offers many resources for nonprofits seeking philanthropic funding.

2. Stanford Social Innovation Review
The Stanford Social Innovation Review offers strategies, tools and ideas for nonprofits, foundations and socially responsible businesses.

3. Alliance for Nonprofit Management
A professional association of individuals and organizations devoted to improving the management and governance capacity of nonprofit organizations.

4. Compass Point
A nonprofit training, consulting, and research organization that provides nonprofits with the management tools, concepts, and strategies to increase their effectiveness and impact.

5. Independent Sector
Committed to promoting, strengthening, and advancing the nonprofit and philanthropic community to foster private initiative for the public good. It contains information on members, publications, annual conferences and events.

6. Nonprofit Finance Fund
NFF helps organizations connect money to mission effectively, and supports innovations such as growth capital campaigns, cross-sector economic recovery initiatives and impact investing.

7. BoardSource
BoardSource “is dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations by strengthening their boards of directors.” A Q & A file on nonprofit boards is available.

8. The Nonprofit Times
Leading publication for nonprofit management

9. Tech Soup
TechSoup is a Web-based resource center that offers technology assistance and solutions for small to mid-size nonprofit organizations. The site offers nonprofit technology articles and news, and information on where to find donated or discounted software and equipment through its companion site, DiscounTech.

Strategic Planning and Collaboration

10. Foundation Center Nonprofit Collaboration Resources
Recommended resources on nonprofit collaboration.

11. LaPiana Consulting
A national consulting firm dedicated to strengthening nonprofits and foundations. Website includes resources on strategic planning and strategic restructuring.

12. National Council of Nonprofits’ Strategic and Business Planning for Nonprofits
The largest network of nonprofits in the United States. Provides a list of resources about strategic and business planning.

Core Support and Organizational Capacity Building

13. Grantmakers for Effective Organizations
A national network of foundations that promotes strategies and practices that contribute to grantee success. GEO has been a leader in encouraging foundations to provide core operating support, organizational capacity building support, funds for evaluation and learning, multi-year funding, and other practices that strengthen nonprofits and improve outcomes.

14. National Committee for Responsive Grantmaking
NCRP describes itself as the “country’s independent watchdog of foundations.” Its mission is to promote philanthropy that serves the public good, is responsive to people and communities with the least wealth and opportunity, and is held accountable to the highest standards of integrity and openness. In particular it has been a strong advocate of general operating support to nonprofits and recently produced a report The State of General Operating Support 2008-2010.


15. American Evaluation Association
International professional association of evaluators devoted to the application and exploration of program evaluation, personnel evaluation, technology, and many other forms of evaluation. Includes directories to local affiliates and consultants who are AEA members. Also visit the International and Cross Cultural Evaluation topical interest group http://comm.eval.org/icce/Home/

16. Innovation Network
Nonprofit evaluation, research, and consulting firm provides free planning and evaluation tools and a searchable database of evaluation and capacity building resources. Free registration required.


17. Communications Network
Supporting foundations and nonprofits to improve lives through the power of smart communications.

18. Nancy Schwartz & Company
Nonprofit marketing and communications consultant offering free resources, guides, articles and blogs about effective nonprofit communications.

19. Nonprofit Communications Resource Guide
Guide on nonprofit communications resources from CompassPoint and Lighthouse Collaborative.

Nonprofit Talent and Leadership Development

20. Generating Change Nonprofit Talent and Leadership Development Toolkit
Toolkit includes case studies, videos, a framing paper, blogs and other resources highlight different ways foundations support nonprofit talent and leadership development. Developed by Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy and Putnam Community Investment Consulting, Inc.

LGBTQ Resources

21. Funders for LBGT Issues
Funders for LGBTQ Issues seeks to mobilize philanthropic resources that enhance the well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer communities, promote equity, and advance racial, economic and gender justice.

22. Horizons Foundation
A community foundation dedicated to the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community.

23. Gill Foundation
National foundation that advocates for LGBT equality.

24. The Pipeline Project
The project’s goal is to increase the number of people of color working within the nation’s LGBT rights, service and advocacy sector, and ultimately increase the level of diversity in the leadership of our movement.

25. Human Rights Campaign
The largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.

26. Transgender Law Center
Transgender Law Center works to change law, policy, and attitudes so that all people can live safely, authentically, and free from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or expression.

Global Philanthropy

27. Council on Foundations’ Global Philanthropy Resources
The Council on Foundations is a national nonprofit association of more than 1,700 grantmaking foundations and corporations.

28. European Foundation Centre
An international membership association of foundations and corporate funders. Its mission is to strengthen the independent funding element of European philanthropy through robust cooperation with an array of partners.

29. Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support
WINGS is a global network of grantmaker associations and philanthropic support organisations.

30. WINGS Global Status Report on Community Foundations
Sixth in a series of reports on the development of community foundations around the world, and the first web-based version of this signature report.

31. International Human Rights Funders Group
A global network of donors and grantmakers committed to advancing human rights around the world through effective philanthropy.

32. EDGE Funders Alliance
Engaged donors for global equity.

33. Clinton Global Initiative
An initiative of the Clinton Foundation, convenes global leaders to create and implement innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges

34. Skoll World Forum on Social Entepreneurship
Provides relevant news, insight, and opportunities to accelerate entrepreneurial approaches and innovative solutions to the world’s most pressing social issues.

Kris is a sought after philanthropy advisor, expert and award-winning author. She has helped over 90 foundations and philanthropists strategically allocate and assess over half a billion dollars in grants and gifts.

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