Delusional Altruism Diagnostic Quiz

Does Your Philanthropy Experience Delusional Altruism?

“Delusional Altruism®” is a term coined by Kris Putnam-Walkerly to describe situations in which a funder is genuinely trying to make a difference on the issues and communities it cares about — while paying absolutely no attention to how it may be getting in its own way, nor to the operational inefficiency and waste that drains both the funder and grantees of the human and financial capital necessary to accomplish their goals. Does your philanthropy suffer from Delusional Altruism?

We’ve designed an evaluation tool just for you. Our Delusional Altruism Diagnostic shows you where you are coming up short and where you’re right on the right track.

As an added bonus, once you take the quiz, I will also send you a link to my FREE white paper, Delusional Altruism: Avoiding Self-Deception and Disrespect, which will provide additional information on the manifestations of delusional altruism.


Get the Delusional Altruism Diagnostic Now!